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Ethics we followEthics we follow

Since the inception of Centreal Bazaar, We have always believed that the root of a successful and profitable business is positive ethics and integrity. We make the utmost effort to bring these implant them into our work culture.

In summary, our code of ethics proves our dedication, commitment, and respect towards every individual that is connected to Centreal Bazaar.

Ethics Made Stronger
With Values

At Centreal Bazaar we believe that good and determined people working towards a common goal can accomplish anything. For keeping the team spirit up all the way till we reach the goal a simple set of guiding points is needed.

We find these points to be the core values we possess.
  • The Core Values encourage us to give the best of ourselves
  • The Core Values establishes a sense of responsibility for everything we do.
  • The Core Values motivate us to not lose focus until we reach the goal.

The Four Core Values
We Live By


We encourage collaboration with all associates. We believe with teamwork and active participation no goal is unachievable.


We adhere to our ethics and Values even in difficult times.


We like to treat our customers, vendors and business associates as family. We insist on sincerity with each other.


We value the opinions and perspectives of others. We endeavor to gain respect by giving it.